Sunday, 20 August 2017

Crafting Fun.

Henry, Lewis and Peggy Sue had fun with crafting yesterday afternoon.  Well Peggy Sue played with her new little dolls while Henry and Lewis made some crafts!

They were rather proud with their results.  

Lewis and Henry proudly show off the puppet and train..


Peggy Sue admires their work.

Ollie is very pleased with his little duck and had fun pushing it around.

Can we make some more puppets please?  Lewis asks.


These kit sets were designed by DollMum and you can find the Playthings for Dolls she sells on her blog.


  1. Oh, I'm glad you stitched the glove puppet Lewis and Henry, it does look good in different colours. I loved that some people adapted the designs as they made them during the festival, the designs were only a guide to creativity. The train and the push along duck have turned out well too.

    1. Stitching seemed the way to go, and the colours were dictated by the felt I had in my stash! Lewis did want a dog, but we settled for a bird in the end. The wooden toys were fun to make. The blue came out a bit dark on the train, but Henry insisted he wanted a blue train.

  2. It looks like everyone is having a good time. My boys saw the puppet patterns that DollMum posted from the Sasha Festival, and now they are clamoring for Daddy Steve to make them. Rory will have to get out his frog puppet. I'll bet that he and Lewis could think up a little 'frog and bird' story.

    1. Definitely make some, they are fun. We are going to make some more.

  3. Doll Mum's crafts turn out so well!! I still haven't gotten around to doing my kits from the festival, but soon!!

    1. They are great fun. I made up the little book from the festival kit the other day...Peggy Sue has been reading it! ;-)

  4. Your kids are so talented! These days it's hard to get kids off their electronic devices and actually use their hands rather than just their thumbs!! My son had a push along duck with the 'flappy' feet bits on the wheels. He took Duckie every time we went out :) x

    1. I think electronic gizmos have a lot to answer for...I really do believe children of today are missing out in so many ways.

  5. What a great job you did on your crafts, Lewis and Henry! They all look wonderful!

  6. My very favourite here has to be the push a-long duck. I NEED one!
    I remember having one as a child and then bought my daughter one which is still around here somewhere.
    DollMum is just SO talented!

    1. That duck is certainly fun, DollMum is indeed amazingly talented!

  7. What a fun craft day, it must have been quite an afternoon! What would be do with DollMum's incredible creativity?! Thanks to you both!

    1. Oops!! What would we do withOUT DollMum's ... so sorry :( KW


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