Sunday 21 March 2021

Sewing for my Smart Doll

Knowing that I'll probably never be able to justify buying original Smart Doll clothing, at least not new, and especially if I am going to have to add custom fees to the purchase, I decided to try and make my own clothes for her with Danny's very generous free patterns that he offers on the Smart Doll website.  Now these patterns don't come with any instructions, so you have to know how to sew and how to put them together!

On a whole I am really pleased with my first attempt at making her some jeans/trousers using needle cord fabric that I had in my stash.  I actually didn't have many fabrics suitable at all to make jeans/trousers with and wasn't sure how this material would work, but actually it worked fine.

Rose looks really pleased with them as well.

They have working front pockets, including an extra little pocket on the left side (right side looking at picture)

The back fits quite nicely for my first attempt at this pattern.

I might not have got the pockets straight...I thought I did, it may be the way she is standing, I'll have to take extra care next time.  

I also knitted her this little top.



  1. Wow stylish! And a very good fit. It looks as if her right leg is placed a little forward, so that could be the reason for the back pockets not looking 100% straight.

    1. Thank you, the fit is amazing. Yes I don't think the foot placement has helped, but they are also not quite evenly spaced, hopefully the next pair I make will be better. :)

  2. Thank you, it is such a good pattern, I need to see if I can get some denim at some stage to make 'real' jeans ;)


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