Wednesday 16 October 2019

Witching hour?

I say hour as it felt like I spent an hour yesterday afternoon trying to get these photos after seeing some a friend had done.  It is not as easy as it looked, holding a little tiny doll in one hand with arm outstretched, camera in the other, trying to focus on both spider and doll, and not bump the web!  Poor spider ran up its web several times to get out the way so I had to go back inside, wait for it to climb down again so I could make another attempt!  These are the few photos I ended up with.

Miss Edie Brooks looks closely at the spider.

I made a LBD (Little Black Dress) for I thought Clipper, but she told me in no uncertain terms she 'doesn't do black'.  Miss Edie Brooks, not shy to come forward, immediately claimed it, rummaged around in the costume box, found the hat and declared it 'just right' to go with the dress this month.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing, but they really do have very definite preferences about things. They're very good at looking uncomfortable if don't like what they are wearing!


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