Monday, 24 April 2017

Madeline on Monday

Madeline was in a bright and cheerful mood today.

It was the perfect morning to get on with a bit of cleaning...

She swept the living room until it was spic and span.

She baked some cookies for Afternoon Tea tomorrow.

Busy at the stove was sweet Madeline.

She smiles as she looks round her kitchen 

All bright and clean.

Some ironing is next

Not much to do.

Next she is spotted up in her room.

Lining things up, one by one.

Her favourite little toy is her wee tiny Kiwi, a little keep sake she bought in New Zealand.

With her orange dress on and a bright flame coloured Tulip, she had lots to smile about, the day was near perfect.


  1. Madeline is so industrious, she puts me to shame! I have sooo many things I need ( or maybe want ) to do I just don't seem to be getting anything done! Well done, Madeline, your little house is beautiful <3

    1. She puts me to shame...I dream of being able to do things like she does! No aches and pains for sweet little Madeline.

    2. I know, aches and pains are so miserable. I hope they don't stop you from being able to do the things you enjoy x

  2. Chapeau, Madeline! I wouldn't look that cheerful if I had to face such a workload. Maybe you'd like to visit here and do some ironing?
    The tulip is gorgeous!

    1. I've asked her if she will do my cleaning and ironing, but she just smiled at me.

      Isn't the tulip wonderful?!

  3. I need little Madeline to help me with my housework! I'm sure all her energy would inspire me :-)

    Lovely knit dress she is wearing too!



    1. I wish she would help me with mine, I could do with both her enthusiasm and help!

  4. You have made her such a lovely dress! The wee button is the perfect touch. I wish I had a smile on my face when I have to do the housekeeping chores...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you. The colour looks surprisingly good on her. I wish I could be so cheerful doing the housework as well.


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