Wednesday, 12 April 2017

It Rained AND It Rained!

It rained...

and it rained...

and it rained...

The worst weather we have had since we have been going back regularly to New Zealand.

The most rain for a very long time fell in a very short period of time...

Peggy Sue and Henry investigated how much water was left after it had eased up and they were allowed outside for a while.

Peggy Sue was rather shocked...

I thought you said it was always sunny?  She said to Henry.

Henry just shrugged... Well it usually is when we come over here to visit.  

Well it has certainly rained the last couple of days!  She retorts.

Thee are puddles everywhere!

Shall we go and see how the rest of the garden has fared?  

Off they go to investigate.

We had several extreme downpours while in New Zealand this year.  Roads were flooded - on the Sunday I just got home in time before the road flooded over.  But we fared luckier than some who lost stock, businesses and had their houses flooded.


  1. Hope everyone there can recover from the damages! It's a good thing Peggy Sue and Henry packed rain gear.

    1. I hope so as well. They had even more rain when we left - some areas had to be completely evacuated..

      Peggy Sue and Henry always pack their rain gear - they are used to English weather after all! ;-)

  2. I've just been reading that another severe cyclone is about to hit NZ and everyone is battening down the hatches for more extreme rain and wind. Good thing that Henry and Peggy Sue took their wellies as well as their raincoats, those puddles in the garden look deep.

    1. It has been pretty bad there and in Australia. Cyclones and rain, not a good combination.

  3. Now that's a lot of water! It's a relief your family didn't have to be evacuated.
    It hasn't rained in our part of Germany for the last six weeks, which is very unusual for March and April. Now I know where the rain went!

    1. It was a tremendous lot of water, but we were lucky where my parents live, others were not so fortunate.

  4. Just as well then, from the looks of things, that they packed their rain gear or else they would have missed all that fun of splashing in the puddles after the rain had relented.

    1. It was fortunate! They have learnt from me to 'always be prepared' with a raincoat. They did have fun splashing in the puddles.


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