Wednesday 9 October 2019

Meet Miss Edie Brooks

Unbeknown to me, it seemed that the Tiny Rag Doll Village needed someone who would 'brook no nonsense'  yet beneath that 'no nonsense' exterior would hide a loving heart.  Yesterday when sewing the faces and wigs on the three dolls who had been patiently waiting, it seems this very 'person' was born.  Of course I still didn't realise that until the very first thing this morning.  I knew one looked a little perhaps stressed.... My first waking thought was 'Miss Edie Brooks' she will 'brook no nonsense' and most definitely speak her mind.  Perhaps it is the slight look of consternation on her face?  Funny how these little dolls can come into being with some having an immediate and apparent personality.  I hadn't intended on necessarily keeping these latest three dolls that I have been making, but Miss Edie Brooks will most definitely be a member of the TRD Village.

Wearing her sensible 'goes with everything' black shoes, she is ready for business...well apart from needing an apron of course!  But with such a no-nonsense attitude, it didn't take her long before she whipped up an apron (with a little bit of whimsy!

All set for business!

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