Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Skip Filling!

Henry has had a busy day today filling the Skip (dumpster?) at the Sailors place.  So much rubbish to clear from the garden and garages, long overdue.  

It was amazing just how easy it was to fill it.

After half a day's work it was getting there.

By the end of the day it was pretty much full.  

You have to have it relatively level, so Henry was making sure nothing was sticking up too much.

I don't think he had ever seen so many plant pots, plastic bags from years of gardening (the house used to belong my Father in Law and he was an avid gardener.)  He was of the war generation when they never threw anything away in case it came in handy.  I think we will need another skip in a few months time to clear the rest of the stuff!  But the garden looks much better now and one of the garages is clear.  


  1. Wow, Henry worked very hard. I am sure he got a special treat in the end, before he took a nap, that is (chuckle).

    1. He did work hard, as did I! I worked out that I walked 3.8 miles back and forth down the garden filling up the skip with all the garden rubbish! You would think I would have slept well last night, but I didn't, I was awake most of the night! Fortunately I think Henry slept well ; -)

  2. Pam Winter Turner9 January 2020 at 17:08

    Oh hello little man, nice to see you are doing some work and earning your keep x

  3. Luckily you were there to help. What would they have done without you.


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