Back in October I was still working on my Lines Monstrosity as I was calling it...
Most of the inside has now been stripped
The state of the internal wood is pretty bad though (but I will let Granny point that out further down in this blog post)
It is difficult getting the paint off in places.
I've still got to remove the fireplace
Getting there very slowly.
But making progress.
It seems that Granny and Grandpa Grecon had heard about a house for sale.
Grandpa armed with his ladder, with Granny in tow wanted to go and view it as soon as possible.
There it was nestled in the woods with wild gardens surrounding it.
Grandpa doesn't waste anytime at all! He has the ladder up ready to inspect the externals of the house.
Granny stands on the little veranda wondering what on earth they are doing even considering it.
Unperturbed however Grandpa is giving the windows a good looking over.
Hold the ladder steady my love, he calls out as he goes up to the first floor
Steady she goes...
He clambers up and inspects the windows up close.
Oh, she's got good bones, me love, he says.
Granny is still not convinced, and worries about him up the ladder.
Before she knows it he is up at the attic window, although the framing is missing.
We best do something about this as quick as we can, Grandpa says. We don't want any vermin coming inside...
Just come down please. Granny says as she holds the ladder as Grandpa climbs down.
Oh, this place is a real gem. He tells her...
Shall we look inside?
That would be a good idea.
They open the door
and in they go.
Granny is momentarily speechless!
Oh my! She exclaims...
Oh my oh my! she exclaims some more.
Just look at this! There are great big gouges out of the walls.
Oh don't you be worrying about that Grandpa tells her.
But how on earth are we going to fix this?
Oh just leave it to me. Grandpa tells Granny. I can fix her up, she's got good bones you know.
Just look at this floor! It's not even been finished before. Looks like they just used a rough bit of old timber to make the floor.
Oh, I'll be able to fix that up, don't you be worrying yourself.
They look round the rest of the house...Granny is not at all convinced. Grandpa is full of confidence.
She's got good bones you know love. He tells her. I will be able to fix her up just fine, you wait and see.
Granny is not at all certain.
But she does have to admit...
There is a certain charm about it.
Thus the house becomes known as 'Grandpa's Folly'.
But did he get it decorated in time for Christmas?
I am so far behind with blogging about this house, but have been recording the progress, or rather I should say Granny & Grandpa's progress on my Youtube Channel.
Hopefully I will eventually get caught up on here too!