Sunday 15 March 2020

Sunday Outdoors.

What to do on a Sunday - why look for Leprechauns of course!

Any hiding here?

Doesn't seem to be.

Now what has caused this?

Henry inspects the lawn and calls Lewis over.

Just look at this mess!  Henry says.

It is a disgrace.  Lewis agrees.

Looks like badgers work to me.

Yes, definitely badgers have done this.

It wouldn't be so bad if we could actually see them...but despite going out at all different times of the night the little so and sos have still managed to evade us.

Lewis wonders what can be done.

So they didn't find any leprechauns, just the garden dug up again from the nightly badger visits.

Lewis sits for a while.


Emily and Molly ask for their photo to be taken in their green dresses.

There seems to be a green theme happening....

Two pretty girls.


  1. We don't get badgers at Gregoropolis, but we do get squirrels who like to dig up the yard. If Henry and Lewis think of a way to dispense with the badgers, let us know and we'll try it on the squirrels! Great photos as always, Lorraine! John

    1. I've been told that if you feed the badgers they won't dig up your garden, but they get fed next door apparently and they still dig up her garden, and I'm guessing they would have had a good feed before they venture into mine, so assuming that is just a fallacy.

  2. That is a bit bigger than you garden - shame they didn't see the badgers or find the leprechauns. I think those girls are very hardy to wear their summer dresses outdoors in March, while Henry and Lewis are wearing their winter woolies.

    1. Ha ha yes the girls are made of tough stuff, although in fairness it gets quite warm out the front when the sun shines. I had just a t-shirt on the other day!

  3. Definitely a "wearing of the green" going on (laugh). I think the boys might want to create badger traps (if there are such things).
    Emily and Molly are wearing adorable dresses.


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