Thursday, 27 February 2025

Wandering with Wren: Verulamium Part & St Albans Cathedral

Wren had a lovely wander around Verulamium and St Alban's Abbey the other day.

She read about the London Gate

and then sat on the ruins of it.

Even though the weather wasn't the best, it did start to clear up and she saw some blue sky.

Sadly the lake has been flooded for many months now.  

Hopefully they will do something to reinstate it, so people can once again enjoy walking around it.

The river was running well.

She walked up to the Abbey which was actually very busy as they had had a graduation ceremony there, and I think another was due in the afternoon, as the students/graduates were lining up when we were leaving.

Lovely stained glass windows.

So much to see, I didn't take  photos of the descriptions this time.  But Henry visited several years ago, and his blog about it can be found here: 2013: St Albans Magna Carta Festival  and again in 2014: 
Helen's Visit: St Albans Visit with Friends.

Lovely vases of flowers.

Wren enjoys nature, and stands on one of the Roman Wall remains.

Snow drops

Pretty crocuses.

More snowdrops.

So pretty.

Part of the Abbey with a now beautiful blue sky.

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