Sunday 3 September 2023

Lines House Diary: Part One

A couple of weeks ago a big box arrived.

I took photos of it, as I have trouble getting people to post large items to me, but it is doable, by several postal/courier services.  This one was by Parcel Force.

Inside is this Antique AG & J Lines House, No. 37 
It is in definite  need of renovation and repair!  It is missing it's top window which had obviously been cut out to install electrics.  What a shame they didn't keep the window!

Inside it has been over-painted and over wallpapered. 

Gosh what have I taken on?!

I decided to start with the top green room first.

Underneath some of the paint is glimpses of wallpaper.

The paper on the floor is interesting, but unfortunately it wasn't under all of the paint.  What a shame. 

This is all of it.

The flooring is incredibly rough!

As are the walls which looks extremely rough sawn timber.

Boy oh boy, what have I taken on?!

I also started removing some of the wallpaper in the blue room as it was loose.

More very rough saw timber underneath.

Down in the kitchen...

A vague marking on the rough wall

on which these papers were against.  This is the only part that had this paper on it.

Another very rough wall.

I certainly have my work cut out for me!  It is like they partly removed some wallpaper and just slapped either more paper over the top (as can be seen on the floor), or paint!



  1. I once bought an old house with similar issues. The exterior was ruined too. I stripped the exterior completely and did a sympathetic paint job, i left the patches of original papers that were left and redecorated with antique papers so that future explorers can make their own discovery.
    You will love your house because you will have put so much into the rescue.

    1. Thank you Joan for your lovely comment and encouragement. I feel a bit 'what have I done/bought' at the moment. Do you have anywhere that this process was documented?
      I am hoping that the process of working on this house will make me love it as at the moment I'm just not feeling it. But it should look beautiful in the end if I have the ability to fix it in a sympathetic way. As for the exterior of this house, I am not going to look too closely at the moment! Although the windows probably do need stripping of their paint as it wasn't a particularly tidy job.

  2. It’s a lot of work but I know you are gonna transform it into a gorgeous house again ❤️

  3. You have a lot of work ahead of you but am sure you will enjoy it.

    1. Oh indeed, it is a bit daunting at times! Thank you :)

  4. This little house looks like it will be an interesting challenge, good luck with it.

    1. An interesting challenge for sure! That is probably a very polite way of putting it. It is much worse than I initially thought.

  5. gosh! looks like this darling house needs a total renovation, so take your time! I'm sure it'll be dispairing at times, but what a project!

    1. It sure does, much more than I was expecting after uncovering what is under the paint. It will certainly take me time, and is indeed a project!

  6. It certainly looks it will take a lot of time, but if you create a vision of what you want it to become, it will probably help motivate you. Is rough wood common in antique dolls houses from this era?

    1. Yes I need to create a vision of what I want it to become. I had wanted to keep it as faithful to the original as I could, but I wasn't expecting the walls to be so rough. I don't think it is common for the wood to be so rough in antique dolls houses, but I have read somewhere that these houses were outsourced to be built during the war years, so perhaps this is why?

  7. For renovating older rough houses, it is often recommended that you use card for the walls, i.e. leaving the old rough stuff and covering it up with cardboard rather like what we call Bristol Board over here. The papering can then be done on the cardboard (easier to change it if you get tired of it), which is folded and scored to fit over the walls. It can also cover up wiring channels....
    There are period dolls' house wallpaper printables available on the internet, that would be in period with your house. Best wishes for your renovation project!

    1. I'm sorry for taking so long to not only publish your lovely helpful comment but also to reply to it! Most of my renovations I have been putting on my youtube channel. The house really needed stripping completely and I have done exactly what you have suggested wallpapered card templates - at least for now until I know exactly how I want to proceed. In the meantime Granny and Grandpa Grecon have taken residence of it and it is now called 'Grandpa's Folly'. Hope to update the blog with photos ASAP


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