Wednesday 8 December 2021

Advent 2021 - Day Eight: What?!

Hang on a minute what is going on here...the girls look rather perturbed!

What's that sticking out of door number eight?

Look!  Wren says as she points to the little partially opened door.

Uh Oh...looks like someone has been up to mischief!

That pesky elf certainly doesn't belong to inside the Advent Calendar!

You are not supposed to be inside the calendar, Wren says, and it wasn't your turn.

The elf looks slightly apologetic, and shows what he found.

It is a little lantern for the stable.

Oh well all is not lost.

They hang the lantern up.

Joseph and Mary seem pleased to have some light.

Hmm. as for the elf though, perhaps they ought to put him up on a shelf!


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