Tuesday 7 April 2020

Rory looks for Tadpoles.

Rory is heading to the pond to see if he can spot any tadpoles

He is really looking forward to having some frogs this year.

He was surprised to fin Henry already at the pond.

He joins Henry as they look for tadpoles

They see a few...

Much better over this side though.  Rory tells Henry.

Lots of tadpoles.

Rory sees if he can count them, but admits there are too many.

We only topped up the pond a few days ago, it almost looks like it needs yet more water, it has been so warm the last couple of weeks.

The boys enjoy sitting beside the pond chatting away about this and that.

They are fortunate they have each other's company.


  1. Well-spotted Rory and Henry! What are you going to do when those tadpoles become frogs? The Gregoropolis boys are already nagging Daddy Steve to be sure to get our little pond up and running this summer. Have a great day! Daddy John

    1. I'm so slack at responding to comments! I don't know how many frogs we will end up with, but I have never seen so many tadpoles! Hope you get to make a pond this summer.

  2. Paradise for Rory - a much bigger pond for him to observe as the chief frog naturalist of the family.

    1. Paradise indeed, he can't believe his luck!

  3. That's quite a nice pond you have, boys!

  4. Your pond looks wonderful, and tadpoles—fantastic.

    1. It is a wonderful pond indeed, we love it.

  5. What a cute outfit Rory is wearing. I am happy to see Henry. It looks like the boys were really enjoying the beautiful day.

    1. The boys certainly enjoyed getting out in the sunshine.


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