I've been short bursts of stripping paint over the last week
.Top left room - one wall is almost paint free now.
Bottom left room, I had hoped to be able to salvage the paper under the Christmas paper but I don't think I am going to be able to. I have started to take the lights off as well, but need to find a small screwdriver to take the switches off. I've managed to get the one off in this room.
Here is the paper underneath the Christmas paper.
This top right room hasn't got as much to do, but the walls are really rough so wondering if I am going to have to use a paint stripper to get the rest off.
Underneath the painted paper in this room I could see some writing.
This is the paper that was painted. Still not enough to probably identify it properly.
Not sure if I have this the right way up or not...
or even if it goes sideways...which was how it was on the wall...
I've managed to get a bit more off the walls in the right downstairs room, but still a long way to go in this room.
I've also had a closer look at this medallion which was on the wall. It is made by Stokes in Melbourne Australia. I need to see if I can date it. I am guessing perhaps the 60s/70s but not sure.