
Friday 27 July 2018

Five on Friday

On my group 'The Schoenhut Cafe' we have a themed 'Five on Friday' and this week I chose to post pictures of my five 'non-Miss Dolly' Schoenhut girls. 

Five of my Schoenhut girls on a Friday - I had plans to set up a proper 'posed' photo, but we have had the decorator in and I couldn't access my dolls until he had left, and then it promptly started raining - first time in weeks.  However, although it didn't last long, it was a bit wet to take them out, so here they are 'posing' in a row.

From left to right:

'Janice' (16/101), 'Rebekah Grace' (14/105), 'Astrid' (16/307), 'Florence' (14/313) and Clara (16/301)

If I'd planned it out better I might have had them all dressed in blue, but quite obviously didn't!


  1. They look very pleased to have their picture taken.

  2. It is year since Rebekah Grace travelled with us around the USA on her long trip to her new home with you - she was a fine companion for our Sasha dolls who were also on the trip.


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