
Friday 28 July 2017

Fashion on Friday

I have been working on a wardrobe for Lewis.  Some of these items have already been shown and some I have made the last couple of weeks.  Knitting is the one thing that is keeping me going at the moment as I can at least feel some sense of achievement when I finish something.  My plan is to try and make his wardrobe as 'mix and match' as possible, both practical and stylish.   

So far I have made:

Fairisle sweater and a grey cotton sweater.

Sweater, cap and socks set in brown and blue.

To the brown sweater set, I have also added a sleeveless sweater/vest with owls.

Green vest, socks and cap, and variegated vest with newsboy cap.

Oh dear Lewis, you look a bit dishevelled here! 

I still want to make some matching socks for the variegated vest. 

Loving these two sweaters, especially the rust one which I think suits Lewis especially well.

I am hoping to make him a v neck sweater as well.

Of course shorts are needed...  In the photo above Lewis is wearing a pair of grey shorts which will go with a variety of sweaters.  I have since made him a pair of rust brown socks.

Two more pairs of shorts to make.

I need to make some shirts to go with these as well.  I have been working on a shirt pattern as my usual Gregor shirt pattern doesn't work for Schoenhut due to their larger and shorter necks.  I have drafted a pattern that still needs a bit of tweaking, but have made two shirts so far, a green striped shirt and a red checked shirt which Lewis is wearing with a pair of dungarees I have made him, shown below.

I plan on making seven shirts for him and he will also need some trousers/pants in various styles;  'School trousers', jeans, going out/'posh' and general play.  

I of course have his jackets made that have been previously shown in other posts.  


The first pair of dungarees I made were a little tight on Lewis, but a perfect fit for Gregor, so I will add a photo here of him wearing them tomorrow.    They go nicely with this shirt and will probably go into my Etsy shop.  Donny wearing the dungarees...he looks real cute in them and ready for anything!


I have also managed to fulfil some commissions/orders.

Plus a few newsboy caps not shown.


Gosh looking at all this makes me feel a little bit better about things.  My month has not been as unproductive as I thought.  I may have only been sitting around a lot of the time, when I have not been in bed, but at least I have kept busy when I have been sitting.  The beauty of all these things is that they also fit the Gregor dolls!


  1. Firslyt, I hope you'll soon be better. There's nothing worse than being stuck in bed or unable to go out- sending hugs to you <3 x Secondly, what a fantastic wardrobe! I'm so impressed at your productivity! This week I have made half a dress for Ezri and given up on it. Sleeves! I tried to put in the Phoebe and Egg basic sleeve and after 7 frustrating hours over 3 days, I've given up. I'm going to salvage what I can, as the armholes are now wrecked, and Ezri will have to make do with sleeveless dresses. I must do some knitting; you've put me to shame. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your knitting and sewing for the boys :) Jane xx

  2. Wow! No grass growing under your feet! I'm loving everything, especially the striped sweaters, dungarees, and the striped shirt (such a classic look). That last picture of him looking out from under the bill of his cap is adorable. He looks like he's thinking up schemes to rattle Peggy Sue's cage!

  3. My goodness, Lady; you have been busy! I must say that all my Gregors (I unfortunately do not have a Schoenhut) are a bit jealous of Lewis's fine wardrobe. He will be a very dapper dresser; I can already tell, and the styles seem perfect for him; very suitable. I think he is a wonderful addition to your family, and everyone here at Fern Forest is enjoying his many adventures.


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