
Saturday 29 February 2020

Monthly Check In - February 2020

February  Check In

Anyone new arrive or leave home?   I have sorted a number of dolls to leave home, and some have been listed, some will be given a way, and some taken to a charity shop.   I guess you could say Jennifer was 'new' as she used to be Joshua and was going to be leaving, but now is staying.  Two Vintage Sindy dolls,  an Action Girl and Matilda (A Girl for All Time)  have left home.  I am refining my collection somewhat as to be honest, I don't do a lot with them.  

Oh I almost forgot, there is a new arrival!  Three weeks ago I saw a White Limited Edition 'The Bear Factory' bear in a charity shop for £2.  'The Bear Factory' doesn't exist anymore and I think it produced better bears than the now extremely popular Build a Bear shops.  Anyway, he was still there when I went in the shop two days ago, so decided I couldn't leave him there any longer.  He is now sitting on my settee with my little Isle of Wight bear

Who wore it well this month and what was it?  I think it will have to be Jennifer (who was Joshua) in her red dress and cardigan.

Who captured your heart this month?:  Wizzy's new teddy! 

Who got into trouble and why? Nomi (Little Miss No Name) as she was going to be placed up for adoption, and has gone awol!  She is quite obviously hiding as she doesn't want to leave.  She was seen just before she was going to have her photos taken and then vanished!

Who was loved just because?  Always Henry & Peggy Sue.

What happened this month in your dolly world to make you smile? Seeing Henry and Rory at the fish pond.  Having a Dolly Date with a Sasha friend who lives on the Island.  

What is coming up, or on your wish list or something you long for?:   Nothing coming up as such, and nothing especially longed for...I've decided it is better not to have anything on my wish list this year, as then I am not tempted to look!

Although this has happened I did have a Sasha doll meet up with a lady on the island who also collects Sasha dolls, so that was really nice.  Henry and pals enjoyed the couple of hours we were with her.

Perhaps next month (March) I might be able to do some work on my Hitty doll I am carving.  I haven't much felt like doing any crafts this month, mainly because of settling into a new home and a few other issues.  

Sunshine Saturday!

We have had some sunshine this morning, although it is still very windy, but even so Jennifer just 'had' to go and spend sometime outside as it was beautiful out there.

For anyone who is interested in Course Dolls, I do have some for sale on my 'Dolls for Sale' page.  The price can be negotiable!

Friday 28 February 2020


 I used to have several 'Walda' dolls, but decided a few years ago to keep just one.  She used to sit on a window sill and watch out.  

I love this photo I took of her in September 2017.

She now sits on a seat which is on my Treadle Singer Sewing machine which sits in our hallway entrance.

The light wasn't the best today, so I need to take some more photos of her when we have better weather or rather a brighter day!

Thursday 27 February 2020

A Pie-Rat Play Date

It has been a long time since we have had a Sasha 'Play Date' with another Sasha friend.  This week there was much excitement among the Rose Cottage Friends as they had been invited to go and see 

It seems someone else was excited as well.  Yes that is Captain Fred-Eric

Henry meets the Captain who gives him a little gift.

Henry is thrilled and thanks him.

Henry shows his puzzle and stickers.  Of course if features a pirate!

Thank you for the puzzle and stickers Captain FredEric

They have a little chat.  There was lots of Pirate (or Pie Rat) speak going on!

The two proud Pirates pose together and Henry was allowed to wear FredEric's pirate hat.  

I think they are going to be good friends!

The rest of the gang enjoyed having a good ol' natter and play together.

Peggy Sue attended as well, but she was engaged with our host - they seemed to really hit it off together and I forgot to take a photo!

All good fun for sure.

Thank you for a lovely morning.

Monday 24 February 2020

Two Terrific Toddlers

Two Terrific Toddlers...


Ollie,  who is Henry & Bobby's younger brother.

Butter wouldn't melt!

They are actually pretty well behaved toddlers fortunately.  

Bonnie is wearing a little dress I made a few years ago now I think.  

Sunday 23 February 2020

Shelf Sunday

I put up a couple of shelves today in my doll room/library.

I enjoyed getting long boxed up dolls out and arranging them.

A bit of an eclectic collection of favourites.

The Sylvanian Gang - who reside at Bramble Downs Common

The clowns have joined this little Schoenhut group.

Saturday 22 February 2020

A Man of Action

Enjoyed his time down at the beach today.

He partook in some rock climbing

But was disgusted at the amount of rubbish on the beach - in which this is a mere 'drop in the ocean' as they say.  He is making a call for action to tidy up the beach and plans to take a bag down each time he visits to clean up as much rubbish as the bag will hold.

Friday 21 February 2020

Henry & Rory's Friday Afternoon.

Henry and Rory venture out in the garden briefly this afternoon, although it is pretty chilly.

The are looking at the new growth of the 'big broad leaf rhubarb type' plant.  

Henry says he is sure he knows the name, but will check with 'Mum' when he gets back inside.

Sadly the fish are no where to be seen and they hope they are still hibernating and not that the heron has got them!

Inside in the warm, Henry has forgotten all about asking about the name of the plant and instead they decide to do a puzzle.

They have chosen a three little pigs puzzle.

They tip the pieces out and sort them out.

These boys seem extremely good at holding their bodies off the floor....I'd be collapsed in a heap by now!

Pieces sorted out the puzzle is starting to take shape.

Rory is looking for pieces while Henry studies the picture to see what pieces he needs to find next.

I think it is too big at the moment Rory, and he help push it together a bit more.

That is better

The puzzle is nearly finished!

Good work lads, looks like you just need to fit the character pieces now.

Henry grabs the scarecrow.

Last two pieces.

Rory has the last piece in the puzzle.

He spends a bit of time chatting to Henry about it.

Prolonging the finishing of the puzzle.

The final piece is in and Rory admires it from his resting place.

Suddenly he leaps up with the enthusiasm and springiness that youngsters seem to possess.

Ta da!  It is finished!  He declares in a not so quiet voice!

Three little pigs complete with butterflies and flowers.

So what shall we do now?  Henry asks Rory.